Hiring the Club for a Private Function

 Watermouth Yacht Clubhouse is available to members as a venue for a private function.

 Facilities available in the clubhouse are:

  • Lounge, Bar and the external Balcony Seating Area.

  • Kitchen (including basic kitchen utensils and ancillary equipment)

  • Toilets & Showers

  • Tables and chairs

  • Cleaning equipment

  • Basic first aid supplies

Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer an injury whilst using the Clubhouse the First Aid box is located in the kitchen along with the accident/incident book where you must record the details. In addition, if you had a "near miss" this too should be recorded so that it can be investigated and appropriate action taken.

The bar staff will open the Club and lock up again at the end of the function. Should access to the Club be required earlier in the day for function preparation, then arrangements can be made with the Bookings Secretary. We can take bar payments by cash or card.

The Hirer is responsible to keep all fire escapes clear; to avoid complications should they be needed.

  • Maximum capacity is 50 guests

  • The music licence is until 12 midnight

  • The bar licence is until midnight

On most occasions, the Hirer is expected to return the following morning and clear the club of decorations, cards, presents, remaining food etc. by 12 noon.

The Hirer is responsible for any damage caused to Club property that is not covered by the deposit.

If you should have any comment or suggestions to make regarding the clubhouse then the Management Committee would welcome hearing from you. Please provide any feedback to the Bookings Secretary.

Hiring Charges

A hiring charge of £100 is required at least one week before the function.

A deposit of £150 to cover the costs of loss, breakages and inadequate cleaning by the Hirer.

Payments should be made by bank transfer Likewise refunds after the function to the Hirer will be made by bank transfer from WYC.

To comply with licensing regulations WYC offers two options for the consumption of drinks:

Only the Hirer can make a payment at the bar. It is therefore the Hirers sole responsibility to pay for all drinks consumed by his guests. Bar staff will cap to agreed spending limits if requested.

Under 25 guests - 1 person on the bar, 25 to 50 guests- 2 people on the bar

Terms & Conditions

Club house bookings can only be made by WYC members who have held membership for a minimum period of 3 months.

Hirers are advised to familiarise themselves with the:

Instructions for the Event of Fire

Instructions for use of the Premises

Food Preparation Guidance

Lifting & Handling Guidance

Special attention is drawn to the clubhouse layout and evacuation routes.

The Hirer is deemed the “Responsible Person” and is designated the person in charge of the clubhouse during your hire. The Hirer should be present throughout the hire session.

The clubhouse is insured against any claims arising out of the WYC own negligence. Hirers are advised to make their own insurance arrangements for personal and/or the organisations property, as the club accepts no responsibility for it, nor is it covered by the clubhouse insurance. If any accident or near miss incident occurs to any person at/or as a result of your event the Hirer is required to complete an ‘Accident Report Form’ in the accident book that is provided adjacent to the First Aid Box in the kitchen. You must complete all sections of the Form and add the names and addresses of any witnesses. You must then hand the form to the club representative.

The clubhouse has a maximum capacity of 50 people. The Hirer must ensure that this figure is not exceeded.

Any advance deposit paid will normally be returned within 7 days after hire except in the event of the cancellation of a confirmed booking or if there is any damage to / or loss of equipment from the clubhouse as a result of the hire. The extent and cost of the damage or loss will be agreed as soon as possible and a suitable adjustment made to monies returned. In the event of the value of the damage or loss exceeding the advance deposit then an additional payment may be due from the Hirer.

No smoking is permitted in any part of the clubhouse including the external balcony area.

Hire of the clubhouse includes use of the ancillary facilities (kitchen and equipment, toilets, tables, chairs, sound system) You will need to request from the WYC representative specific instruction on the operation of the sound system should it be required.

Hirers are expected to familiarise themselves with the facilities available and to ensure that they are adequate for the purpose intended.

Hirers will be required to remove all waste from the kitchen, hall and premises. The Hirer must transport away all waste away from the clubhouse and harbour before final vacation of the premises.

Hirers are requested not to use sticky tape and pins on the walls and bar woodwork

If the premises are not ‘left as found’, then WYC may forfeit the deposit and additionally request payment for damage repairs.

 Making a Booking

To make a booking please contact the WYC Secretary.


01271 882782