Outer Moorings
Watermouth Yacht Club (WYC) lease two outer moorings from Watermouth Harbour Ltd. These are duly marked WYC Permit Holders, and may be used by Club members who have paid the mooring premium fee.
They are provided for the use of WYC members who need to await the tide.
WYC members who pay Watermouth Harbour Ltd mooring fees may leave their boats on these outer moorings for a maximum of 48 hours.
Boats may be left unattended on these moorings only when the owner’s moorings are inaccessible.
WYC members who do not have a Watermouth Harbour Ltd mooring should not stay on WYC outer moorings overnight but must use a harbour visitor’s mooring for that purpose.
All visitors who belong to other Yacht Clubs may use the WYC moorings to await the tide only, then they must proceed to a Watermouth Harbour Ltd visitor’s mooring to remain overnight.
Any damage to WYC moorings should be reported to a Club Committee member as soon as possible. Any damage to any mooring should be reported to the Harbour Master.