Food Preparation Guidance
Under the current regulations, anywhere that food is prepared and served is regarded as a business. This means that clubs have to comply with the regulations in the same way as any other food premises.
However, as long as food is only being prepared on an occasional, irregular basis in home kitchens and brought to the club, then the regulations do not apply.
Hirers should note that the kitchen is not suitable for the preparation of food.
If clubhouse Hirers organise their own social event providing food, then they are advised that they are responsible for food safety and hygiene.
Food can be kept at room temperature safely for up to 4 hours. A fridge is not essential but is available. High risk foods can also be kept in your own cool box with ice packs.
No plants are allowed in the kitchen.
No children or pets are allowed in the kitchen.
A lidded, lined waste bin is supplied.
Common sense personal hygiene rules should be followed eg: wash hands frequently and particularly when handling food or money. Also be aware that money is very dirty and should not be handled whilst handling food.